Monday, November 1, 2010

Ocean Warming (Science Daily Oct. 30th, 2010)

This post is about Baffin Bay, a bay in Greenland that called the attention to scientists due its extraordinary animal life. But there was only something that stopped them from acquiring more and more knowledge from this place, the fact that there were hard and thick layers or ice covering it during the winter and the special machines to open a whole in them were really expensive. But one day, they came up with an idea, which was to go there during the summer and put a special machine into several animals so that they could show how is life there during the winter.

They recorded that temperatures from the years 2006 and 2007 and they realized that after that there has being a severe change in the temperature of the water that affected really much the life in the bay. This bay is fresh water, because its melted ice from the poles, so that makes it easier to freeze, but the years are passing and each time the ice layer tends to be thinner or cover less part of the bay.

I think this post is really important because there is a variety of really rare species found in that bay due its conditions, but now, thanks to global warming, we are all getting affected, the poles aren't as big now, the water's temperature has changes, many animals have died, and in some cases there is no way back, but we can just stay still, we don't have to keep moving foreword with this, maybe with time, the earth will get better and everything would be back as it was before, long ago. This bay has attracted the attention of scientists. I would recommend to for an ecological life, and preserve the earth's natural resources. This is affects everyone of us.
If you relate this to the IB learner profile, then you might want to be a caring person and do something for the world. Give back to the world and do us, and yourself a favor. This is just a warning from nature to show how many bad things can happen if we just don't care!!

Check this post by Science Daily by yourself at:

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Coral Reefs Article Date: Wed. September 29, 2010

This article is about the effects that this long and hot summer took in the coral reefs in the Caribbean. What happens is that this last summer the temperatures were extremely hot so the water in the Caribbean started to heat up really fast. When the water in the Caribbean got hot, the algae that provides them food if forced due to the temperatures ad the coral reefs bleach or appear white. When the coral reefs get white, they are lifeless and they can easily obtain and transmit infections. The fish are forced to move to a better place and that place would be inhabited by fish

What interested me about this article is that as shown in the map, the Caribbean is highly affected by this and I personally love going to the beach here in Venezuela and love doing snorkel and watching coral reefs and fish. As shown in the map, the south of the Caribbean is the most affected part, this is where I go! I wonder how many coral reefs died this summer. I would like to go to places I was before in order to contrast how it is now, and how it was before. It's really sad how the world is unstable now a days. There are a lot of disasters and fore me, the ocean is a really important thing, that we must maintain healthy, clean and it bio-divercity ver well preserved now that there are some species in danger.
This is also another way to compare this article to my life. This article does affect my life and the beaches in where I live. Besides I would feel really sad if there were lots of damages to Los Roques, I love that National Park and it's got one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. I would hate to see it in danger and I can't do anything about it!

The Coral Reefs Article

Monday, August 30, 2010

The Amazon Deforestation Article Date: Wed. January 6th, 2010

This Article is about the amazon rainforest, which is the worlds largest rainforest. It is located in South America, where we live in! It is mostly in between Brazil, and Venezuela. The problem of the deforestation is that this particular rainforest, helps reduce the carbon dioxide, a really dangerous greenhouse gas, responsible for global warming. Long ago, the Amazon Rainforest covered about 14% of the world's surface, now, it only covers 6%, even though is the largest rainforest.The deforestation started to be noticed on early 1970's when brazilians started to cut off part of the forest in order to create paste fields for cattle, which is a really important export from Brazil, the beef. As the cattle beff price increased, so did the deforestation process. The years in which the deforestation was supper high, was in between 1990's and 2000's. The deforestation reduce after the year 2000 because they started to take some preservative conscience.

One other important feature of this forest is that it is thought, that due to its unique plants, there might be a plant that can be used to change the world, there can be some plants that can have a cure to a incurable decease now a days, such as eights. Most of the plants in the amazon rainforest are unknown because it is really abundant in trees so it is hard to get to explore every little thing. If this deforestation process goes on, it is estimated that this forest will be gone by the end of the century, which is really bad because, if there was a plant that could help cure deceases, we would have killed it along with the possibilities of saving the humanity, and because there would be almost no trees to reduce the carbon dioxide, the global warming will increase rapidly and will might die soon, well, maybe not us, but the future generations will suffer the consequences of our mistakes.

In my conclusion, the amazon is a really important forest for our lives, and by doing a favor to the nature and stop killing and begin recycling, the nature will one day give the favor back to us with the gift of life, with water, with clean breathable oxygen and with a nice green world!

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