Monday, November 1, 2010

Ocean Warming (Science Daily Oct. 30th, 2010)

This post is about Baffin Bay, a bay in Greenland that called the attention to scientists due its extraordinary animal life. But there was only something that stopped them from acquiring more and more knowledge from this place, the fact that there were hard and thick layers or ice covering it during the winter and the special machines to open a whole in them were really expensive. But one day, they came up with an idea, which was to go there during the summer and put a special machine into several animals so that they could show how is life there during the winter.

They recorded that temperatures from the years 2006 and 2007 and they realized that after that there has being a severe change in the temperature of the water that affected really much the life in the bay. This bay is fresh water, because its melted ice from the poles, so that makes it easier to freeze, but the years are passing and each time the ice layer tends to be thinner or cover less part of the bay.

I think this post is really important because there is a variety of really rare species found in that bay due its conditions, but now, thanks to global warming, we are all getting affected, the poles aren't as big now, the water's temperature has changes, many animals have died, and in some cases there is no way back, but we can just stay still, we don't have to keep moving foreword with this, maybe with time, the earth will get better and everything would be back as it was before, long ago. This bay has attracted the attention of scientists. I would recommend to for an ecological life, and preserve the earth's natural resources. This is affects everyone of us.
If you relate this to the IB learner profile, then you might want to be a caring person and do something for the world. Give back to the world and do us, and yourself a favor. This is just a warning from nature to show how many bad things can happen if we just don't care!!

Check this post by Science Daily by yourself at:

1 comment:

  1. Excellent Summary. You had the points and gave some good connections.
