Monday, May 30, 2011

Could Life Survive in Mars? Scientist say Yes! Science Daily-June 5, 2010

The Alex Heiberg Island, in Nunavut, Canada is an island in the very extreme north of Canada. This islando, during Spring has a climate very similar to a spring in Mars. It was thougt before that in that island, it was all ice and nothing could possibly live in there. Like in Mars. Well, this theory was proved wrong by Dr. Lyle Whyte, a professor in Canada's University of Toronto. He whent to that island to do a research about life expectancy and it was found that some methane-eating bacteria was found in the ice. This bacteria was a form of life so it was proved that life was, indeed supported under those subzero temeratures and that frozen salt water even though that there is absolutely no consumable oxygen in that frozen water.

Dr. Lyle also found out that these bacteria were not the same as the usual methane producin bacteria that breathe oxigen. But these bacteria ate methane isntead and they breathed sulfate that was found in the ice. When all this things happene, many people and scientists begun the think that it was probable that there was also any kind of life in Mars. At least during spring anyway. Besides, it was recently discovered that there is water and frozen methane in Mars so life for these bacteria is possible. Besides it was later stated that the temperature in Mars is not very different from many islands in Nunavut Territory. Like in Mars, Nunavut can get as high as -10 to 0 celsius and even a few degrees higher than 0. Also it can easily get to -50 celsius so life could be similar in some ways.

I really liked this artcile post because it is immensly interesting how there is a possibility that there is actually life in some other planet. I also found it very interesting how there is actually a place in earth that has similar temperatures to some other platet too. I would recommend this article for all of my classmates to read because this actually affects every human being on earth because this is information that everyone must know. I think that this also would relate to my personal life because I am actually following many IB Learner Profile Traits. One of the most important is the Reflective, which is the trait of this month starting June because I am reading all this information and then reflecting on it before I summerize it. I am also be a Knowledgeable and an Inquirer because I am seeking and finding information. It is sad that this is the last post in the year, but this does not mean that I will stop learning during summer, I will look at some article posts to read and learn because I usually find them very interesting.

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