Sunday, February 6, 2011

Artic Ice is Melting (Science Daily, Jan. 28th, 2011)

The artic circle is located in the very north of the planet. It is a place with very cold temperatures and because of that the bio-divercity of this area is very low, but there is live in this place. There are polar bears, seals, etc. I is one of the coldest places in earth and it's also the most affected place by the global warming in Earth.

The water temperature in the artic circle has being changing since the medieval warm period, which was from 900-1300AD and this changed the temperature in Europe. But now it is changing way more rapid and its affecting us way more. The temperatures in the oceans in Norway have increased 3.5F (1.9C) during the past 100 years. This has contributed to ice melting in the artics and ocean temperature rising in the world. Normally, the ocean in the artics would be frozen by winter, part of it would melt during the spring, it would be melted in very little parts during summer, and whatever melts, freezes back in the fall and the ice layer gets much more stronger in the winter. This is not the case in this world. What is happening is that certain parts are frozen during the winter, certain parts melt during the spring and continue melting during the summer and early fall. During late fall an ice layer begins to form and during winter not nearly what was frozen the year before freezes again and more melts during the spring once again.

This is causing sea-level rising and it is also causing the sea temperatures to rise, which leads to hurricanes and other deadly natural disasters. Besides, when the ice layer was bigger during those winters, more sun rays were bounced of earth and the greenhouse effect was less.
When you relate this to the IB learner profile, you might wanna be a caring person and inquire how to save the artics from melting, recycling is a very good way to stop this, an ice area the same size as the state of Alaska has being lost already and more of it it's on it's way. We can help reduce this, not stop it. If you want to become a knowledgable please visit this website and read the original post by science daily.


1 comment:

  1. Wonderful Carlos...Now you just need to meet the deadline in the future. Also, you need to pay attention to details and answer all the questions required. Like why it was interesting to you and what connections you can make. Also make sure you make the link to the source an actual link.
