Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Waiter, there is metal in my moon water! (Science Daily Feb. 22, 2011)

This article in the space section in science daily is about the moon. It explains that a robot named LCROSS went to the moon in 2009 and it just came back with the following news. There are certain places in the moon that have permanent shadows, making it very cold and there was ice found in them. It was proved to be plain water, but it had metallic elements like mercury, magnesium, calcium, and even a bit of silver that makes it toxic for us, humans to drink. That's why if we are planning to drink the water from the moon, we must use a filter. It also says that the moon was much like earth before but there were lots of meteors that crashed into it so it developed craters (the wholes in the moon) and because of it's location, the sun rays hit it at a higher level causing the absolute destruction of it's atmosphere. That is why it looks dry and has almost no gravity.

I think that this is very important for us because it is a discovery made by the NASA and the space is something us humans have very little knowledge about because it is immense so this is something more that can actually serve us in the future. I know is thought is very fictitious but this is what I think, I think that in one future the moon is going to be a recreation center or a hotel and people will go on vacations there so if we know the place better we might be getting closer to my thought. I also think that if there is water, or in this case ice, the must be life somewhere. Maybe we are getting much closer to finding life outside of earth which has being the dream of all kids and adults.

There is not much we can do about this but learn more about it. If we inquire about this topic we will eventually discover new things which is great. I can relate this to the IB Learner profile because people in the NASA are inquirers because they wanna learn more about the space that is surrounding us. Also once they know and discover new things, they are being knowledgeable, I am being a knowledgeable person because I am learning new things about this and you are too because you are reading this. So be and inquarer and visit the actual post by science daily: Waiter, There's Metal in My Moon Water

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